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JESUS: House Cleaner and Interior Designer?

I wonder how would it be if God would live with me in a house?

This question got stuck in my head after reading a cute, pocket-size (as in!) book by Robert Boyd Munger entitled, “My Heart –  Christ’s  Home”

While reading this “cute” book, I suddenly thought  a lot of things about my life. How have I been as a “host” and what kind of “home” Christ is living in now. I decided to make an evaluation of my own “home.” I’ve likened the areas of my life to the different areas in a house.


This is the place where we entertain guests,  sit, talk and relax. This place is where we also read, watch TV, and other activities.

In my life, it represents how I relate to people who have been part of  my life, family or friends. They somehow influenced me in one way or another. I chose people whom I associate myself wisely, but most of the times I failed to filter the influences. As a result, there are a lot of mess in my “living room.” It looks like there’s been an all-night party and the next day, all you can see are the clutter. The “clutter” affected how I deal with other people. It made me distant and a bit indifferent to my friends and even to family members.

This part of my life needs a lot of cleaning and  I know that only God can do it. I have to let God work on me if I want it clean and cozy so people would be comfortable to stay around.  I know I fall short on this part and I wish that people would give me time to work on it as I’m still learning in Christ’s school of grace.


A room in a house where meals are eaten.

When I was young, my Aunt would always have me eat my meals with a “ruler” beside me. Why? To remind me of the spanking that would happen if I won’t eat my vegetables and finish my food.  With guidance and words of wisdom from my eldest brother and with baby steps, I changed my health habits. I started to like eating vegetables and fruits.

However, now that my Aunt  no longer put ruler beside my plate, I began to neglect my health.  Unhealthy in such a way that I sleep late and my food intake lacks the nutrients my body need. I exercise only when I feel like doing it.

Now this part of my “home” needs a lot self-discipline and prayer that God would help me get back on track.  If God would eat in my “home”, I have to prepare foods that He will also eat. I also need to “exercise” daily with Him.


A study is a room in a house which is used for paperwork, computer work, or reading.

This represents my reading and how I acquire knowledge. I read a lot! Most of the things I know comes from reading. This area may not be that bothersome to God, not if He approves all of my books and my reading habits. I’m not fond of romantic novels and other genres that has spiritualism theme on it. I do read some historical novels, though, only when they are really, really worth reading and if I’m required to do so. I’m aware that I shouldn’t waste my time reading books that will corrupt my mind and make it vulnerable to temptations.  I feel jealous of people who could read a lot of books regardless of its genre. So, until now I am still struggling with my impulsiveness when it comes to books.

I need God not just to approve the books I read, but I want to  sit down and read with Him.


A bedroom is a private room where people usually sleep for the night or relax during the day.

This room represents my love life. A bedroom is supposed to be private, so is my love life. I want it to be as private as possible. I learned from my mistake. I let people peek into my “bedroom” and yielded results that are not too pleasant at all. This is one area of my life that I have to let God take care of. I don’t have to worry how He would design or decorate it. I’ll let Him take His time working on it. When it is done, I know that it would be one of the most beautiful “area” in the house.


A small private chamber.

This represents my undisclosed self. All of us have this “closet” that contains part of ourselves that we don’t  want other people to see. I have lots of “mess” inside and it’s becoming a burden. There are some things in my life in the past and present that I’m not ready to face, yet.

But then again, if I want to be fully at peace with God, I know I have to give Him the key so He could clean this “closet.”

Most of the times, we try to build our own lives according to how we want it. We “decorate” our lives with things that are not essentials, thinking that it will make our “home” look better. But in the end all these turn out to be clutter that makes us and God unhappy. If  God would be my house guest, I think I would be very uncomfortable and I won’t be proud to show Him the areas of my “home” that are messy. I’m sure He wouldn’t want to live in an untidy “home’ for He is a God or orderliness.

He wants to be with me, not only as a houseguest, but to live with me forever.  If I allow Him to live with me, I’m sure He will not just  “clean”  my  messy “home” but He will also decorate it with beautiful things. I want Him not just a “house cleaner” but as an “interior designer” as well. To live and do all things with Him is the greatest desire of my heart!

Search me, O God, and know my heart:

try me, and know my thoughts:

And see if there be any wicked way in me,

and lead me in the way everlasting.

Psalm 139:23-24, KJV

Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

Psalm 51:10

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