He has given me these hands, Formed in the image of His own He has given me these eyes to see The path of truth that leads me home
And He has given me this voice, And hears each quiet prayer I speak He has given me this heart to feel The unspoken answers that I seek
Created in His image, nurtured in His care Sent to earth to learn the noble heritage I bear Created in His image, His light will be my guide A heavenly inheritance because I am His child
Hands like His to freely give; Hands to make some burden light Eyes like His to know another's need, As I learn to see with heaven's sight
My voice, like His, may offer hope Or bid some tempest, "Peace, be still." And my heart, like His, can share His perfect love, As my life reflects my Father's will
Created in His image, nurtured in His care Sent to earth to learn the noble heritage I bear Created in His image, His light will be my guide A heavenly inheritance because I am His child